Blog day 6 14-7-15
Charlotte Fabi
Another early morning wakeup I somehow crawled out of the
bunk bed. After breakfast there was another day of lessons staring at 7:30am I
was teaching first aid to the girls this consisted of Dr ABC, recovery
position, how to perform CPR on an adult, child and baby and how to wrap
bandages. The girls were very interested and valued our time with them because
many want to be doctors and nurses, these are the basic skills they will need.
Later in the day I helped Josephine cook lunch which consisted of salad, rice
and sauce. In Tanzania they use a lot of salt to flavour foods and mostly eat
vegetables. Josephine preferred to use a coal fire than an electrical hob
because it allows the food to be cooked at a slower pace therefore reduces the
risk of burning the food. I an looking forward to cooking these meals for my
family because they were simple but yummy. The girls make cards in their free
time and sell them to raise money for the school. So in the late afternoon we
watched the girls make some cards and bought some cards they were amazing (I
loved the African animals on the cards). Pendo was the chief card maker and
perfected Mr Moss and Mrs Janz cards so that they were spotless!! We were
treated like kings and queens in the evening with a dinner of salad, chips,
chicken and even pizza!! I was stuffed but it was really good. After dinner we
chilled out and played card games while I write this blog and trying not to
fall asleep (let’s hope I make it down to the dorms!!)
P.s I am sorry for the spelling mistakes cause I am to tried
to re-read this blog, good thing it’s not an exam !
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